
We take pride in our partnership with prestigious and qualified companies, collaborating to deliver exceptional solutions to our clients, thereby enhancing the value of our service proposition.

With the aim of providing comprehensive and high-quality solutions, we have established alliances with CHIMP, Filedoc, and consultants specialized in environmental sustainability.

These partnerships allow us to deliver innovative and efficient solutions in key areas of your business.


Chimp is a company dedicated to consulting, development, and innovation in the field of Earth Sciences, with an accumulated experience of 15 years in relevant projects in the area of Environment and Sustainability.

We have the privilege of being partners with Chimp in the area of innovation and development of new businesses.


CHABAS has established a partnership with Filedoc, a Portuguese company that is a leader in document management.

This collaboration allows us to offer efficient and secure solutions to manage all the documents and processes of your business, simplifying work and improving productivity.

Consultants in Environmental Sustainability

CHABAS is committed to environmental preservation and sustainability, which is why we work together with consultants specialized in the field of environmental sustainability.

These professionals help implement sustainable practices in all areas of your business, ensuring that you operate responsibly and promote a positive impact on the planet.

Contact Us

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Please fill out all the fields in the form on the side, indicating as detailed as possible the reason for your contact request

What happens after submission?

We analyze your request


We direct it to the appropriate department


We schedule a meeting

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